How to Get Lean

The BODYBAND an elastic form

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The bodyband is an elastic band color originally used by physiotherapists. Shirley Ann Marcus brought the United States in 1988. She has developed a method that allows everyone to do workouts always and in all places. Ease of use, muscle toning, stretching, bodyband has attracted a wide audience thanks to its many possibilities.

Here are a few ideas waiting to perform simple workouts with Bodyband:

Did you know that you can use this accessory in different ways for the same body part?

The variety depends only on your imagination starting with a simple movement such as cycling and adding Bodyband to accentuate the intensity.

Size: Different positions to refine the size: the burst Bodyband back, perform twists to the left and right while keeping the abdominal. Working with ratings Body band under foot to accentuate the tension. Exercise and fro size, then switch coasts, keeping legs bent back and belly.

Glutes and Fascia lata: Explode a Bodyband on the feet and hold the ends in your hands. Legs open by pulling the Bodyband, squeeze your glutes and back. Repeat.

Legs and endurance: A Bodyband on each foot, with its two ends in each hand. Perform movements bicycle (pedaling) with legs leaving the ground arm blocks.

Thighs and buttocks: Feet parallel with Bodyband under each foot and both ends in each hand. Bend and stretch the legs, belly and push the heel back into the ground to enhance the work glutes.

Abs: Support the head with a Bodyband. Place one foot on the other leg bent, then wrap the bust to the knee. Harder, lift the foot off the ground each winding.

Triceps: the ends of the wound in Bodyband hands, be supported on a leg. Isolate the arm back, then bend and stretch the forearm.

Article by Camelia Sally

Who Im I

Healthy Weight Loss Programs

Camelia Sally; Fitness Trainer and Wellness Coach

Hi, my name is Camelia Sallamy (Sally), I am 21 and I am a Fitness pro trainer. I started training from a young age with basic exercises, and I want to help you get stronger from the inside out. I’m currently living in Kenitra (Morocco), where I am studing translation. When I’m not studing I like to train, work out and help people as i can.
Great! Because I’m here to lead you on your journey of health, wellness and enjoying life to the fullest. This is about you, claiming the life you want, and me, supporting you as you get there with the tools of personal training and personal lifestyle and wellness coaching.

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