Many trainees who were more difficult to develop their thighs than any other muscle group. Nothing surprising in this, however: most practitioners start first by bench press or the curl and, as the training of the thighs is experiencing and that they attract so much attention, they are already tired when they start to work them!
The best way to tone thighs is to practice this amazing and effective ways to see faster progress:
1) Get the idea that, if you want these muscles training to be effective, it must be hard and without mercy. Be aware however that it cannot be to systematically lead to exhaustion at each meeting.
2) Exercise your thighs the day following your day of rest in your workout split. Mentally, you are ready and your muscles are full of glycogen: then why not concentrate your efforts on the more demanding muscle group - which is most likely your point low n°1? This is an effective application of the principle of priority together with that of the distribution of work.
3) Look what the "best way to tone thighs" work well for you, trying many movements, varying the order and the number of sets and reps. But once you've found your routine, do not stop there. Should "shove" your muscles by trying something new or differ, virtually at each meeting. When it varies its programme, the muscles are constantly surprised by what is required of them.
4) Do not take too much to land someone else's training for the thighs as long as you haven't seen what it gives to your case. (Personally I would prefer much shorter series).
5) One reads sometimes as such (the) bodybuilder excludes the squat in his work of the quadriceps. But, frankly, I wonder is he (or she) able to tone this muscle group without the squat. If we want to forge thighs that have the scale, volume, mass and relief, it is necessary to work very hard demi-squat: this is the best way to tone thighs (develops across the thigh, buttocks and lumbar region).
6) As the squat was always hard for me I was looking at me train with people - they had so much force in this exercise that I knew that they would push me at bottom. If you train with someone stronger that you, you inevitably will work harder and you take muscle faster.
7) The squat does much work the gluteal muscle group that some trainees should not try to develop - so, I was often doing the front squat, instead. Although the balance was more difficult to hold, this limited the participation of the buttocks and lumbar and sought further forward of the thighs.
8) I'm not sure that training the current pros, one legs once a week, is ideal for the beginner or intermediate student. Although at the time I was at the top, I was working the quadriceps up to three times per week, I alternated sessions heavy, medium and light. If one is trained heavy all the time, it stresses the joints and if working light, muscle tissue will miss density and thickness.
9) I see a lot of guys who still lock the knees between each rep, which gives them a time of rest. We already knew that it was something not to do, then why are there people who continue to do so today?
10) Once, try to make legextensions before your squats for pre tired quadriceps. You maybe a little trouble with your first two sets of squats and you will have the impression that the burden is twice as heavy, but I can assure you that this technique is the best way to tone thighs.
Article by Camelia Sally